In addition to the writtern ministry of the church through Westcliff Press, Westcliff Bible Church has weekly sermons available for download or listen online.
All SermonsLatest audio sermon from Sunday, Mar 2nd 2025
In addition to the writtern ministry of the church through Westcliff Press, Westcliff Bible Church has weekly sermons available for download or listen online.
All SermonsWestcliff Press began in 1995 with the publication of Strength For His People, A Ministry For the Families of the Mentally Ill.
Visit Westcliff PressDr. Steven Waterhouse has served as pastor of Westcliff Bible Church since 1985.
Learn moreThe Churches founded by the Apostles were all independent. Therefore, we believe that it is best that each church be free to govern itself locally without external control. Many Bible Churches began as a reaction of liberal theology being taught in main-line denominations. Bible Churches comprise one of the few major groups of churches which hold a strong dispensational, pre-millennial, pre-tribulational doctrinal postion. Scripture is used for all Christian doctrines, and the Bible id the source for all eduactional ministres of the church.
Westcliff Bible Church holds Sunday School for age 3 to Adults at 9:15 A.M.. Our Worship service is at 10 A.M. Child care up to age 5 is available.
During the school year we have children and youth groups most Sunday evenings from 5 - 7 PM. Please call or text 806-676-5306 (Children) or 806-418-1312 (Youth). For group location on a particular Sunday please call or text one of the above numbers.